Saturday 24 March 2012

10 Movies You MUST see or MUST Have Seen Before You Leave Planet Earth(part 1)

In no particular order

10) The Lion King 1&2
If you haven't seen either or both of these movies, sigh! i really don't know what to say to you. You still have time though..Seriously... Arguably on eveyone's list of best movies. Cartoon or not it's still Epic! After all, The lion king 1 required a $45 million budget and a bucket load of staff. Legen---wait for it---.....

9) Toy Story
The landmark for all animations out there today, the first time an animation had looked less of a cartoon: in my eyes.  Great story line, beautiful Visual effects, what more can i say. If you haven't already seen it.. You MusT!! The sequels are great aswell

8) Titanic
Now, Except you have been living inside a suitcase under a rock in an unknown remote desert located in an abstract invisible world for the past 15 years then you MUST HAVE SEEN TITANIC!!. One of the highest grossing movies of all time! the whole world experienced the sinking of the Titanic. Lots of heart sank( those of us who cried or almost did) Nuff said...

7)Slumdog Millionaire
A truly remarkable story of Love, Hope, and survival. Soft spot or not this movie really does get to you. Magnificent Directing and great acting all round especially from the child actors. Who wants to be a Miliionaire or in this case Billionaire has never been more interesting! Great watch, You've got to see it...It is not beans to win 8 Oscars!

Another of James Cameron's (titanic) Epic Directing. Mediocre story line really but the Beautiful Amazing futuristic Visual Effects just knocks a great story line out of the park. If you saw it in 3D like i did then it's even more Epic. Besides it's the Highest grossing movie of all time: $2,782,275,172!!.

                                                                                                                                 To be continued....

Saturday 14 May 2011


Hope y'all like it....... :)

Remember the joys, relive the highs
forget the tears, that fell from your eyes
forget the lows, remember your days
remember your dreams, remember your ways

Remember your smiles, forget the lies
the ones they told, before you knew the truth
remember the times you stared at the skies
remember your childhood, remember your youth

Remember the day you saw the light
remember the times you stayed up at night
forget the pains and all the fright
remember your wrongs and make them right

Remember your heart, the joy in your soul
remember your visions, remember your goal
forget the parts of you they stole
remember that you're always in control

Remember the ones you loved
forget the times you flawed
remember those you adored
both at home and abroad

Finally, remember goodness, remember bliss
remember patience, remember peace
remember all things that come from above
And most of all, remember LOVE.

Sunday 8 May 2011

Funny Posters

lol, seriously..can u blame the guy

some Hilarious posters

Saturday 7 May 2011

Ironies and Opposites

i wrote this a while ago....almost two years now.. Hope you like it's a bit lackluster in some parts..kk i've said too much. Just read!!!
The pursuit is open but your case is closed
Your hands are freezing but your life is toast
You feel you’re breathing but you’re just a ghost
You think you are living but you are dust to dust
So full of giving but empty of trust
You feel so driven but your life is lost
To be the best is not a must
It’s a decision you should make but your hope gone
It’s a chance you should take but you feel you’re done
The battle is still on but you feel you’ve won
You face your fears and you shed more tears
Things look easy but your life is tough
You’re so content but don’t have enough
You’re full of worth but your life is not
In health you’re rich but in wealth you’re poor
A man of peace but the wages of war keep knocking at your door
Beauty on the outside but an inside of flaws
A peaceful covering with and inside of wars
The one with a frown, the heir to the crown
The one who’s alone the heir to the throne
A gesture of love, a heart of stone
A smile of defeat, a frown of hope
laughter of pain, tears of joy
hungry for water, thirsty for food
winning being bad, losing for good

Saturday 30 April 2011

okay, so i decided to start blogging

It's not like i have all the time in the world or anything. I'm in MED school A.K.A no time. I'm kinda bored out of my mind these days so i've decided that Blogging will be a good antidote. Forget how cliche or cheesy what you've just read sounds, just bare with me FORTHESAKEOFBLOGGING. My posts are going to very random..i'm quite random aswell so..... anyhow sha I hope u enjoy them. P.S I'm very dry sometimes but I'm not a bad writer at all.